Sunday, October 15, 2017





Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to promote healing and feeling of well being and relaxation in the recipient.  The essential oils are extracted from the parts of herbs and plants and contain all the properties of the plants themselves. There are several ways of applying the oils, including adding the oils to your bath, or inhaling them , but the most popular and effective way is through MASSAGE.

I chose these oils due to the fact that it’s a relaxing massage oil for a sensitive skin prone to dryness.

GERANIUM ESSENTIAL OIL helps to nourish dry or chapped skin. It's such a lovely “feminine” aroma and oil, and yet it works so well in blends formulated for men too.  It’s a balancing oil, physically and emotionally.  On the skin I find it helps balance out sebum production, and emotionally I find it calms when someone is over anxious or over excited or can be uplifting if someone is feeling melancholic.  I particularly like using it in a massage blend when someone finds it hard to let go of tension.  It blends beautifully with other floral oils and so I’m so pleased to use it alongside Ylang ylang.

YLANG YLANG ESSENTIAL OIL helps in relaxing. It's an oil I use often in massages, particularly if the individual is very anxious or stressed.  Research has found that this oil has a similar effect to beta blockers when applied externally and this is why we see such a reduction in the symptoms of anxiety when the oil is used.  It’s glorious, heady, tropical aroma can be so useful during a massage to help someone drift off, imagining themselves relaxing on some tropical beach!  In terms of the skin, like Geranium it’s a wonderfully balancing oil, creating more sebum to moisturise the skin if needed, or keeping sebum production in check if there is too much. I particularly like it for dry, sensitive skin, which I find it gives a lovely, fresh glow to following a massage.

BERGAMOT ESSENTIAL OIL helps to boost self confidence. It's one of my favourite oils.  It’s fresh scent is so refreshing and it can really uplift the overall aroma of a blend.  A perfect choice for a massage oil, being used to treat anxiety and depression by Aromatherapists.  It would work very nicely with  Ylang ylang here.  The only thing I need to be cautious of with Bergamot is that it’s a photosensitiser, increasing the skin’s reaction to sunlight and in some cases it makes the skin more prone to sunburn.  If someone were using a product containing this oil regularly we would need to warn them about being more cautious with their exposure of the skin to sunlight and we need to keep the overall concentration of Bergamot oil in a blend below 2%.


In a dark glass bottle MEASURE
6 tablespoons of sweet almond oil

10 drops geranium essential oil

8 drops of bergamot essential oil

22 drops of ylang ylang  essential oil.

This keeps my bergamot at below 2%.
This massage oil smells  heavenly and makes you feel relaxed. I love it.

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