Thursday, September 21, 2017


BITTER GOURD, has it vitamins or the minerals, gourd has it all, regular consumption of gourd on a daily basis. It is a rich store of all water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3 it also contains minerals like zinc, alkaloids, manganese, and folic acid.

The vitamins and minerals in bitter gourd are much higher when compared to other green vegetables that are popularly available.
I want to quickly talk about one great herb you must know about and I will be doing this every week teaching you about natural herbs...

BITTER GOURD:- Is profoundly grown in Asia and some part of Africa it is an essential detoxifier and a good skin cleanser. Regularly intake of this bitter herb helps boost the immune system while removing all unnecessary toxins.. Bitter Gourd is considered a fruit as it has seeds. However, the most common usage of this is as a vegetable, often used for cooking.

COMMON NAME:- Balsam pear, etc
IGBO:- Okwunuolo
HAUSA:- Daddasu

PROCEDURES:- Get 2 or 3pcs of BITTER GOURD wash neatly cut into 2parts remove the seeds inside slice to cubes and blend by adding little water and its ready to drink....

MIXTURE OF THE JUICE WITH:- blending of White onion and lime juice can cure infections like cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, staphylococcus, chronic colitis, halitosis and hemorrhoids..etc

And also cure the following....
1, Cancer
2, Diabetes
3, Rejuvenate the body cells.
4, Digestion
5, Weight loss
6, Immune Booster
7, Constipation

Content power...
• Cholesterol-Omg
• Dietary fiber-2.80mg
• Niacin-0.400mg
• Folate-72g
• Pyridoxine-0.040mg
• Riboflavin-0.040mg
• Thiamin-0.040mg
• Sodium-5mg
• Potassium-296mg
• Calcium-19mg
• Iron-0.43mg
• Copper-0.034mg
• Zinc-0.80mg

So this are the many benefits of BITTER GOURD. If you haven't tried this before I will recommend you start now but very important you get miracle seeds to flush your system first to get a quick result....

For more info:- +2347032253043

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