Sunday, July 30, 2017




- Fresh lavender flower which produce the best fragrance although you can also use lavender plant trimmings such as the lavender leaves and stems but avoid the old woody growth of the plant.
- A large glass container with a tight fitting lid to make your lavender oil.
- A carrier oil which has a pale colour and mild scent as to not over power the lavender. ( Almond oil, grapeseeds oil, or coconut oil)
- A fine mesh strainer or piece of cheesecloth for straining out the plant material.
- A dark bottle ( blue or amber) with a stopper for the storage of your finished product.


- Place your lavender into the glass jar( make sure you have cut the stem and leaves into a manageable pieces to fit in) and fill with your chosen oil. Put the lid in place and set the jar in a warm spot to brew shaking it periodically to mix . Allow to sit at least 48hrs although an extra day will not hurt the process.  The lavender oil will be attracted to your base oil and create lavender infused oil.

- If you cannot find a suitable warm spot, you run a sink full of very hot water and then set the glass container in for a while refreshing  the hot water as needed and shaking the container to mix the ingredients.  You will still need to allow it to sit overnight.

- After which you strain out the plant material using the strainer or cheesecloth squeezing out all the oil you can before placing more  plant material into the jar.
- You will want to repeat this process 2-3 times or more until the desired strength of fragrance is achieved.
- Store your finished oil in the dark glass bottle in a cool dark place to preserve it healthful properties.

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