Thursday, March 9, 2017



Garlic Contains a Compound Called Allicin, Which Has Potent Medicinal Properties Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family. It is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks. It grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.

Garlic are blood Purifier, Garlic provides relief from that stubborn cold and flu.

 Prevention of Heart Disease: Consuming garlic on a daily basis (in food or raw) helps to lower cholesterol levels because of the anti-oxidant properties of Allicin, Garlic is Anti-bacterial and Anti-parasitic,

Cancer Prevention:  Several studies have indicated an association between daily consumption of garlic and prevention of stomach and colorectal cancers. It is said to strengthen the immunity of the body against cancer.

For Skin and Hair: The invigorating properties of garlic protect the skin from the effect of free radicals and slow down the depletion of collagen which leads to loss of elasticity in aging skin. Applied topically, garlic does wonders to skin infected with fungal infections and  provides relief from skin ailments like eczema. It is also an effective remedy for fungal infections like athlete's foot and ringworms.

All of us know about the wonders of onion for hair but its brother, garlic is no less of a hero for your thinning mane. Well, its surprise time. Rubbing crushed garlic extract on your scalp or massaging with garlic-infused oil is known to prevent and even reverse hair loss.

Homemade garlic powder is fresh, flavorful and surprisingly easy to make. Whether you grow your own garlic or buy it at the market, this is a great way to preserve garlic and quickly add the flavor to your favorite foods.

You can do as few or as many bulbs of garlic as you'd like. Garlic powder stores well and is fun to share with family and friends, if you do find that you made too much. Here's what you do.

Garlic cloves (homegrown or store-bought)

Separate and peel the garlic cloves. Then cut them into thin slices.
Place the garlic slices in a 150-degree oven or a food dehydrator, and heat until dry. The garlic is dry when you can crush it in your hand and it crumbles easily.
Allow the garlic to cool.
Then, grind it with a coffee grinder, spice grinder, food processor or a mortar and pestle, until you reach the desired consistency.
Store your finished garlic powder in an air-tight container in a cool, dry spot. Be sure to shake the jar daily for the first week or so after you've made it. This will ensure that any remaining moisture is evenly distributed through the garlic powder, so it doesn't mold.


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